Pengenalan Jabatan
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Penubuhan Jabatan Pelancongan dan Hospitaliti (JPH) di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu bermula pada tahun 2004 dengan menawarkan program Diploma Pengurusan Hotel dan Katering (DHK) sebagai program terawal dengan kakitangan seramai 10 orang. Pada tahun 2009, JPH menawarkan program Sijil Kemahiran Khas Politeknik (Hotel dan Katering) (KHK) bagi pelajar kurang upaya pendengaran. Pada tahun 2015, program DHK kemudiannya telah dikemaskini dan digantikan dengan program Diploma Pengurusan Hotel (DHM) manakala program KHK kepada Sijil Kemahiran Hotel dan Katering. Peka dengan keperluan dan kehendak industri, bermula pada tahun 2017, JPH menawarkan program Diploma Pengurusan Resort (DHR) bagi melahirkan lebih ramai graduan yang menyumbang kepada keperluan tenaga kerja di pasaran.
Pada masa kini, terdapat seramai 27 orang pensyarah di Jabatan Pelancongan dan Hospitaliti yang komited ke arah meningkatkan kemahiran dan kebolehpasaran graduan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Aktiviti pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PdP) dilaksanakan berdasarkan Outcome Based Education yang lebih berorentasikan kepada pencapaian pelajar dan bahasa pengantara yang digunakan ialah Bahasa Inggeris. Aktiviti pentaksiran pelajar terdiri daripada penilaian berterusan (PB) dan penilaian akhir (PA). Aktiviti PB seperti amali, ujian, kuiz, tugasan, laporan projek, pembentangan, tulisan jurnal dan kajian kes, dirancang secara khusus untuk membantu pelajar mencapai hasil-hasil pembelajaran kursus. Prestasi pelajar juga dinilai ketika menjalani latihan industri pada semester 5 dan 6 bagi program DHM, semester 6 bagi program DHR manakala semester 4 bagi program KHK. Penilaian latihan industri dibuat oleh pihak industri luar dan juga pensyarah penilai yang telah dilantik. Sepanjang pengajian pelajar, mereka juga digalakkan terlibat secara aktif dalam aktiviti ko-kurikulum sebagai nilai tambah setelah tamat pengajian kelak.
Program-program yang ditawarkan di Jabatan Pelancongan dan Hospitaliti adalah:
- Diploma Pengurusan Hotel (DHM) – Work Based Learning (WBL)
- Diploma Pengurusan Resort (DHR) – Latihan Industri Konvensional
- Sijil Khas Operasi Katering (KOK)
- Jabatan Pelancongan dan Hospitaliti menggunakan kurikulum yang sama di semua Politeknik Malaysia, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi.
- Komponen kursus terdiri daripada kursus umum, kursus teras dan kursus elektif mengikut bidang pelancongan dan hospitaliti.
Tempoh Pengajian
Program Diploma 3 tahun (6 Semester)
Program Sijil 2 tahun (4 Semester)
Carta Organisasi

Diploma in Hotel Management provides insights into a wide range of hospitality & management courses to equip students with the expertise needed by industry in order to embark on a successful career path in the hospitality business. A field work placement is also available where students benefit from 2 semesters experiential learning in work-based learning arrangement and networking with industry representatives. Work-Based Learning (WBL) concept gives students the opportunity to learn a variety of skills by expanding the walls of classrooms learning and teaching in a specific period of attendance at polytechnic and of employment. By narrowing the gap between theory and practice, Work-Based Learning creates meaning for students. Goals and benefits of WBL:-
- Active participation of educators, employees, students, parents, and appropriate agencies and community representatives.
- Development of learning and workplace competencies.
- Improvement of student grades and employability.
- Assist students in identifying career pathways.
Diploma in Hotel Management is designed to cover the current wide discipline of hotel industry. This programme offers hands-on practical skills and prepares students to excel in terms of accommodation, food and beverage services and other services. This special programme is designed to resemble an apprenticeship training programme where students will be attached to a designated hotel for a period of ten (10) months throughout the duration of the programme. This includes front office operation, housekeeping operation, food and beverage operation and kitchen operation. Other fundamental competencies offered are tourism and hospitality fundamentals, professional development, communication skills, occupational health and safety, and entrepreneurial development.
For more information regarding the admission requirements for the Malaysian Polytechnic Program, please refer portal Ambilan Pelajar Mypolycc at
This program believes that every individual has potential and the programme aims to foster responsible and adaptable Hotel Executive to support the country aspiration of becoming a world class tourist and cultural destination.
The Diploma in Hotel Management programme will produce semi-professionals who are:
Hotel Executives who apply fundamental hotel operation knowledge and principles in providing solution for hospitality issues and challenges
Hotel Executives who apply a specific level of practical skills, procedures, digital applications and numerical data to perform related tasks in hospitality industry
Hotel Executives who alternately adopt the roles of a leader and team member, and able to communicate effectively in assisting and providing creative solution for hospitality industry
Hotel Executives who enterprisingly acquired new knowledge and entrepreneurial skills for career advancement and complying with organizational and professional ethics in work and social environment
Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to:
Apply knowledge of hotel management in operating and managing hotel operation and hospitality services
Analyse issues and challenges in assisting and providing appropriate solution for hotel operation and hospitality services
Perform skills in the hotel operation and hospitality services
Demonstrate effective communication and interaction skills to an individual or as a team member
Display the ability to use digital application and interpret numerical data in related tasks
Demonstrate leadership, autonomy and responsibility by taking alternate role either as a leader or member of a diverse team
Demonstrate entrepreneurial and good managerial skill in society
Integrate professionalism
This programme provides the knowledge and skills in hotel management with a broad understanding of hotel industry. The knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the programme will enable them to a middle management post such as:
Front Office
- Guest Service Assistant
- Reservation Coordinator
- Care line Service Operator
- Night Auditor
- Concierge
- Receptionist
- Front Office Assistant
- Housekeeping Coordinator
- Public Area Supervisor
- Housekeeping Supervisor
- Laundry Supervisor
- Room Attendant
- Public Area Attendant
- Linen Room Attendant
Food and Beverage
- Captain/Supervisor
- Waiter/Waitress
- Host/Hostess
- Bartender
The Diploma in Resort Management (DHR) is a three-year full-time programme consisting of six semesters’ course work with one full semester of built in industrial training. Students are prepared for their future roles in the economy by building a solid foundation in hospitality and tourism, industry knowledge and other essential skills related to the diverse field of tourism and hospitality. This programme acknowledges students with interdisciplinary resort management knowledge that require individuals with professional skills, courtesy, warmth and patience. This programme is tailored to satisfy the needs of the industry while adhering to polytechnic standards of excellence, generating competent and highly- skilled graduates. Upon the comprehensive and absolute skills and techniques learned, graduates of this programme are capable to perform and produce a good and quality service competently with sufficient knowledge obtained; graduates are prepared in facing global hospitality challenges and trend adaptation towards the hospitality industry professionally.
Diploma in Resort Management (DHR) designed to cover the current wide discipline of the tourism and hospitality industry. This diploma programme covers a spectrum of applied competencies and abilities associated with the industry at the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled levels of employment. It required competencies in Resort Management, Basic Spa Operation, Resort Facilities Management, Fundamentals of Resort Recreation, Housekeeping Operation and Management, Front Office Operation and Management, Food and Beverage Service, Basic Cookery and Meeting, Incentive, Conventions and Exhibition (MICE) for Tourism and Hospitality. Other fundamental competencies such as Muslim-Friendly Hospitality Practice, Fundamentals of Hospitality Industry, Customer Service for Tourism and Hospitality, Occupational Safety and Health, Green Technology Compliance and Digital Entrepreneurship are also embedded in this programme.
For more information regarding the admission requirements for the Malaysian Polytechnic Program, please refer portal Ambilan Pelajar Mypolycc at
This programme believes that every individual has the potential and aim to develop competent and adaptable professional Resort Executives to support the country’s aspiration of becoming a world class tourist and cultural destination.
Within a few years after completing the Diploma in Resort Management programme, graduates are able to:
Apply a broad range of theoretical and technical knowledge and skills including technical, digital, numerical and problem-solving skills to carry out varied complex routine and non-routine tasks under minimum supervision in resort work or study.
Develop effective teamwork, interpersonal, communication skills and be socially and ethically responsible in the hospitality industry.
Inculcate desire for lifelong learning, entrepreneurship, professional ethics and career development in the hospitality industry.
Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of a broad range of theoretical and technical knowledge in resort operation to perform varied complex routine and non-routine tasks.
Apply critical thinking skills in solving problems or issues while performing varied routine and non-routine tasks related to resort operation.
Demonstrate practical skills to perform varied complex routine and non-routine tasks in resort areas.
Demonstrate effective communication skills by using national and at least one other language proficiently with appropriate interpersonal skills in resort operation.
Display the ability to use basic digital technology and numerical data to perform varied routine and non-routine tasks in resort operation.
Demonstrate the ability to work with a significant degree of personal responsibility and autonomy in completing varied routine and non-routine tasks in resort operation.
Demonstrate ability to identify self-improvement initiatives for further education or career goals engaging entrepreneurial activities in resort operation.
Demonstrate organizational and professional ethics in the work environment and apply sustainable practices in hospitality task and learning context.
This programme provides the knowledge and skills in resort management with broad understanding of the tourism and hospitality industry. The knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the programme will enable them to a middle management post such as:
a) Government
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture
b) Corporate
Food and Beverage
- Banquet and Catering Assistant
- Bartender
- Captain/Supervisor
- Host/Hostess
- Waiter/Waitress
Front Office
- Concierge
- Careline Service Operator
- Front Office Assistant
- Guest Service Assistant
- Night Auditor
- Reservation Coordinator
- Receptionist
- Housekeeper
- Housekeeping Supervisor
- Laundry Supervisor
- Linen Room Attendant
- Public Area Attendant
- Public Area Supervisor
- Beauty Therapy Assistant
- Spa Operator
- Spa Receptionist
- Spa Therapist
c) Self employed
- Event Planner
- Event Sales Coordinator
- Lodging Businesses
- Food Service Businesses
- Recreational Businesses
- Spa Businesses
Program Sijil Khas Operasi Katering (KOK) bertujuan menyediakan program sepenuh masa yang berteraskan latihan dan kemahiran dalam bidang katering untuk pelajar berkeperluan khas (masalah pendengaran) selaras dengan Perakuan 169 di dalam Laporan Jawatankuasa Kabinet. Program ini direkabentuk berdasarkan Dasar Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) yang menekankan asas kesaksamaan hak dan peluang kepada OKU bagi penyertaan penuh dalam masyarakat. Program sepenuh masa ini ditawarkan selama dua tahun, iaitu tiga semester pengajian dan satu semester latihan industri. Bagi mendokong Falsafah Pendidikan Khas, penawaran Program KOK kepada pelajar berkeperluan pendidikan khas (masalah pendengaran) dapat melatih mereka untuk menjadi individu yang berkebolehan, berkemahiran, dan berdikari. Penyediaan perkhidmatan katering kepada pelanggan memerlukan kemahiran spesifik bagi memastikan produk yang disajikan adalah hidangan yang berkualiti. Program ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar pendidikan khas untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dalam pengoperasian katering yang meliputi kedua-dua aspek teori dan amali. Pelajar didedahkan dengan kemahiran pelbagai disiplin terkini serta teknologi yang digunakan seperti teknik masakan, seni hidangan dan keselamatan makanan. Pelajar bersedia untuk memainkan peranan mereka dengan membina asas kukuh dalam pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang berkaitan dengan pelbagai bidang dalam perkhidmatan katering yang merupakan salah satu cabang penting dalam industri hospitaliti kerana bidang ini menyumbang kepada pengoperasian perkhidmatan makanan.
Program Sijil Khas Operasi Katering menawarkan peluang kepada pelajar berkeperluan khas (masalah pendengaran) untuk memulakan kerjaya dalam perkhidmatan operasi katering selaras dengan misi politeknik bagi menyediakan tenaga kerja yang berkemahiran dalam sektor awam dan swasta di Malaysia. Pelajar dibekalkan dengan pelbagai pengetahuan dan kemahiran seperti teknik masakan, seni hidangan dan keselamatan makanan. Bagi melahirkan pelajar yang berdikari dan berdaya saing, ilmu berkaitan keusahawanan juga diterapkan kepada pelajar. Pelajar juga diberi pendedahan tentang alam pekerjaan melalui latihan industri sebagai persediaan untuk menghadapi alam pekerjaan sebenar.
Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai syarat kemasukan ke Program Politeknik Malaysia, sila rujuk portal Ambilan Pelajar Mypolycc di
Graduan yang menamatkan program ini akan memperolehi pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam perkhidmatan operasi katering pada tahap asas dan mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi pengamal bidang katering yang kompeten bagi menyokong Aspirasi Malaysia – destinasi lestari kaya budaya.
Sijil Khas Operasi Katering dapat menghasilkan tenaga kerja yang mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti yang berikut:
Menunjukkan pengetahuan, kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dan kemahiran numerasi dalam bidang operasi katering.
Mempamerkan kemahiran teknikal dan kemahiran teknologi digital dalam bidang operasi katering.
Mengamalkan kemahiran interpersonal dan komunikasi dalam kumpulan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai lapisan masyarakat dan budaya dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan.
Mengamalkan ciri kepimpinan, pembangunan kendiri, pemikiran keusahawanan dan mematuhi etika kerja profesionalisme dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan.
Pada akhir pembelajaran program ini, pelajar dapat:
Menjelaskan pengetahuan asas, teori, prinsip dan konsep dalam perkhidmatan operasi katering.
Mengaplikasikan kemahiran kognitif dan kemahiran numerasi berkaitan tugas dalam perkhidmatan operasi katering.
Mempamerkan kemahiran teknikal berdasarkan skop kerja yang diperlukan dalam perkhidmatan operasi katering.
Mengamalkan kemahiran interpersonal dan komunikasi secara berkesan terhadap individu atau berkumpulan dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan.
Mempamerkan keupayaan menggunakan teknologi digital dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan.
Menunjukkan keupayaan menjalankan tugas dengan kepimpinan, autonomi dan tanggungjawab dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan.
Mengamalkan pembelajaran kendiri dan minda keusahawanan dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan.
Menunjukkan kebolehan untuk patuh kepada etika kerja dan profesionalisme dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan.
Program ini menyediakan pelajar dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam bidang katering. Ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang diperolehi melalui program ini akan membolehkan pelajar memulakan kerjaya dalam bidang berikut:
a.Pengusaha Katering b.Pengusaha Produk Bakeri dan Pastri c.Pengusaha Kafe d.Barista e.Penyedia Makanan dan Minuman f.Pembantu Pramusaji g.Pembantu Dapur (Commis) h.Pembantu Penyedia Bakeri dan Pastri i.Krew Restoran/Fast Food/ Coffee Shop