Pengenalan Jabatan
Jabatan Perdagangan, mula beroperasi pada 1 Mac 1996 dengan menyewa bangunan komersial di Inanam. Pada awal operasi, Jabatan Perdagangan, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu hanya menawarkan program Diploma Akauntasi (DAT), Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan (DPM), dan dua program Sijil iaitu Sijil Penyimpanan Kira (SPK) dan Sijil Pengajian Perniagaan (SPP).
Pada tahun 2003, Jabatan Perdagangan telah berpindah ke kampus tetap Politeknik Kota Kinabalu di kawasan Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP), Sepanggar. Aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) dilaksanakan berdasarkan ‘Outcome Based Education’ (OBE) yang lebih berorentasikan pada pencapaian pelajar dan bahasa pengantara yang digunakan ialah bahasa Inggeris.
Pada masa kini, terdapat seramai 55 orang pensyarah di Jabatan Perdagangan yang komited ke arah meningkatkan kemahiran dan kebolehpasaran graduan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, khususnya di Jabatan Perdagangan. Aktiviti penilaian prestasi pelajar terdiri daripada 50% penilaian berterusan (PB) dan 50% penilaian akhir (PA). Aktiviti PB berbentuk amali, ujian, kuiz, tugasan, laporan projek, pembentangan, tulisan jurnal dan kajian kes, dirancang secara khusus untuk membantu pelajar mencapai hasil-hasil pembelajaran kursus. Prestasi pelajar juga dinilai ketika menjalani latihan industri pada semester 4 dan penilaian ini dilakukan oleh dua pihak iaitu pihak industri luar dan pensyarah penilai yang telah dilantik. Sepanjang pengajian pelajar, mereka digalakkan terlibat secara aktif dalam aktiviti ko-kurikulum sebagai nilai tambah setelah tamat pengajian kelak.
Program-program yang ditawarkan di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik adalah:
- Diploma Akauntansi (DAT) / Diploma in Accountancy (DAT)
- Diploma Pemasaran (DPR) / Diploma in Marketing (DPR)
- Diploma Pengurusan Logistik dan Rantaian Bekalan (DLS) / Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (DLS)
- Jabatan Perdagangan menggunakan kurikulum yang sama seperti semua Politeknik Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Pendidikan Tinggi).
- Kursus terdiri daripada kursus umum, kursus teras dan kursus elektif mengikut bidang Akauntansi, Pemasaran dan Pengurusan Logistik dan Rantaian Bekalan
Tempoh Pengajian
3 Tahun (6 Semester)
Pautan : e-Accountants Today (e-AT) >
Carta Organisasi

Logistics is the term widely used in the business field for the range of activities associated with the movement of storage and handling of materials. The Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management program is a 3 year program that aims to link and synchronise the marketplace, transportation systems, distribution network, and manufacturing to ensure that services meet customer satisfaction. This program presents a broad view of logistics activities acquired through a combination of examinations, coursework, industrial attachments, and business projects in the final year. Students learn the relevant academic and vocational logistics management principles, skills and knowledge through innovative teaching and learning methodologies. This logistics program will help prepare students to responsibly manage various functions in the broad area of logistics, including freight, supply chains, transport, procurement, warehousing, and many other relevant areas.
Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is designed for those who want to pursue an exciting career in the field of logistics and supply chain. They will gain a set of practical skills through a structured curriculum in logistics, including freight, supply chains, transport, procurement, and warehousing. Apart from technical knowledge and skills, the curriculum also emphasizes the development of the individual potential of students in an integrated and holistic manner through courses such as Islamic Studies, Moral Studies, Co-curriculum, and Entrepreneurship.
The program believes every individual has potential and the program aims to foster adaptable and responsible logistics and supply chain coordinators in supporting the nation's aspiration in positioning Malaysia as the “Preferred Logistics Gateway to Asia”.
Within a few years after completing Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, graduates are able to:
PLO 1 :
Demonstrate competency in solving logistics industrial problems that meet societal needs.
PLO 2 :
Practice entrepreneurial skills and foster social interaction in global logistic industrial environment.
PLO 3 :
Capable to analyse numerically and using digital technology advancement for logistics industrial solution. |
PLO 4 :
Demonstrate high professionalism, good leadership qualities and acquire and acquire new logistics industrial knowledge for career advancement. |
Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to:
PLO 1 :
Apply principles of logistics and supply chain and other related areas in managing business operations.
PLO 2 :
Utilize concept of logistics and supply chain in solving industrial operation
PLO 3 :
Perform technical skills in managing logistics and supply chain activities.
PLO 4 :
Develop interpersonal skills in logistics and supply chain teams, groups or working communities formally and informally.
PLO 5 :
Demonstrate effective communication in logistics and supply chain operating activities
PLO 6:
Use digital application in managing logistics and supply chain operating activities.
PLO 7:
Interpret and manipulate data in managing logistics and supply chain operations.
PLO 8:
Integrate leadership, social skills and responsibilities to manage a diverse team within an organization.
PLO 9:
Adopt self-improvement skills for academic and career development in logistics and supply chain.
PLO 10:
Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills in managing logistics and supply chain business operating activities.
PLO 11:
Apply work ethics and professionalism in logistics and supply chain operations.
Graduates of this three-year program will embark on careers in the job market as Executives / Officers / Supervisors / Assistants in the logistic area. The industrial training in this program will provide opportunities for students to establish contacts with potential future employers. Graduates will also be able to take up middle management positions in the following operational departments of the logistics industry sector.
Assistants Officer in the following area:
- Ministry Finance
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of international Trade and Industry.
- Royal Custom Department Malaysia.
- Other related Ministris or agencies.
Assistants/Agents/Coordinator/Planner/ Entrepreneur in the following area:
- Supply Chain/ Logistics Shipping/Forwarding/ Freight.
- Operations
- Warehouse/ Transports/ Purchasing/ Production/ Inventory.
- Control/ Distribustion/ Procurement Seaport/Airport.
- Custom Agent
- Forwarding Agent
- Mover/ Transporter
- Shipping Agent
- Logistics Preneur
- Supplier/ Trading
For more information regarding the admission requirements for the Malaysian Polytechnic Program, please refer portal Ambilan Pelajar Mypolycc at
Ref no. MQA/FA3264 Cert. No. 09931 (Full Accreditation since 21/01/2013 Reviewed on 25/10/2022)
A career in accounting profession offers an excellent job prospect and great opportunity for career advancement. This profession is highly in demand as they are required in all sectors. The body of knowledge in accounting is to develop and communicate the financial information to stakeholders and other related parties for the purpose of decision making. Therefore, the need for graduates with adequate knowledge, skills and values in accounting is essential to fulfil the task. In addition, to meet the demand of producing 60,000 accountants by the year 2030, as part of nation’s talent-building agenda, the government will continue to strengthen the education system to ensure graduates are equipped with the right qualities and skills in line with the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). (ASC, 2018).
Department of Polytechnic and Community College Education (DPCCE) takes initiative to meet this demand by offering the Diploma in Accountancy programme. The department hopes this programme will be a platform in providing continuous career advancement in the accounting field.
The Diploma in Accountancy programme is designed to equip graduates with knowledge and skillsets through integrated educational experience in accounting discipline including areas and sub-areas of financial and management accounting, auditing, taxation, finance, professional ethics as well as management knowledge, digital information, entrepreneurship, interpersonal development. The objective of the programme is to provide the accounting education at the SME professional level to meet demands of both public and private sectors.
The programme believes that every individual has potential to foster accounting skills and become responsible accounting professional at SME level in supporting national agenda to achieve competitive and advanced economics driven by high skills resources.
Diploma in Accountancy programme shall produce semi-professionals accounting practitioners who are:
PLO 1 :
Knowledgeable and technically competent in accounting discipline in line with the industry requirement |
PLO 2 :
Able to integrate values, attitudes, professionalism and social skills in engaging with society and stakeholders |
PLO 3 :
Adopt the roles of a leader and a team member, and communicate effectively to provide data driven solutions for accounting problems |
PLO 4 :
Proactively acquire new knowledge and skills for career advancement and innovatively manage resources and information
Upon completion of this programme, students should be able to:
PLO 1 :
Discuss knowledge of accounting and related field in an organization
PLO 2 :
Apply financial and non-financial information in decision making process
PLO 3 :
Prepare financial statements and internal reports that comply with approved standards and provide tax, audit and other accounting related services
PLO 4 :
Demonstrate effective communication to relevant stakeholders in all aspects of decision making
PLO 5 :
Apply various types of digital application ethically and propose data driven solutions
PLO 6:
Develop leadership to manage diverse team in order to be effective members in organisation
PLO 7:
Demonstrate a commitment to continue in professional development and possess entrepreneurial skills
PLO 8:
Demonstrate positive values, ethics and accountability with professional scepticism in engaging with society and stakeholders
Students graduating from this programme will be able to land various job opportunities either in public or private sector. The knowledge, skills and abilities that the students acquire from the programme will enable them to become:
- Account Assistant
- Account officer/executive
- Accounting Technician
- Audit Assistant
- Tax Assistant
- Tax Technician
- Finance Assistant
- Entrepreneur
- Custom officer
For more information regarding the admission requirements for the Malaysian Polytechnic Program, please refer portal Ambilan Pelajar Mypolycc at
Diploma Pemasaran (DPR) merupakan salah satu program yang ditawarkan dibawah Jabatan Perdagangan. Pada masa kini, terdapat seramai 16 orang pensyarah termasuk Ketua Program yang komited ke arah meningkatkan kemahiran dan kebolehpasaran graduan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Program Diploma Pemasaran memfokuskan kemahiran pelajar dalam bidang pemasaran dari segi pemahaman tingkah laku pengguna, penyelidikan pemasaran, strategi pemasaran, campuran pemasaran dan kemahiran dalam membuat keputusan.
Aktiviti penilaian prestasi pelajar terdiri daripada penilaian berterusan (PB) dan penilaian akhir (PA). Aktiviti PB berbentuk amali, ujian, kuiz, tugasan, laporan projek, pembentangan, tulisan jurnal, lawatan sambil belajar dan kajian kes, dirancang secara khusus untuk membantu pelajar mencapai hasil-hasil pembelajaran kursus. Bagi penilaian akhir pula, pelajar wajib mendapat markah 20% untuk lulus.
Pelajar juga akan dinilai ketika menjalani latihan industri pada semester 6 (akhir) dan penilaian ini dilakukan oleh pihak industri luar dan pensyarah penilai yang telah dilantik. Sepanjang pengajian pelajar, mereka digalakkan terlibat secara aktif dalam aktiviti ko-kurikulum sebagai nilai tambah setelah tamat pengajian kelak.
Diploma in Marketing aims to enhance the students’ ability to perform marketing tasks that encompasses the marketing mix, consumer behaviour, marketing research and decision making, either at the local or international level. Students will be exposed to various environmental forces that affect the marketing activities. This program also includes other related fields such as management, accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, advertising, retailing, legal and information technology. To boost students’ self-confidence in communication, all courses will be taught in English as a medium of instruction. In tandem with the government’s objective to produce a balanced human capital, this program also includes religious and moral courses.
This program believes that every individual has potential and the program aims to foster adaptable and responsible marketers in supporting national agenda to modernize, globalize and revolutionize the industry.
Within a few years after completing Diploma in Marketing, graduates are able to:
PEO 1 :
Demonstrate competency in solving marketing problems that meet societal needs. |
PEO 2 :
Practice entrepreneurial skills and foster social interaction in global marketing environment. |
PEO 3 :
Capable to analyze numerically and use digital technology for marketing solution. |
PEO 4 :
Demonstrate high professionalism, good leadership qualities and acquire new marketing knowledge for career advancement. |
Upon completion of the program, students should be able to:
PLO 1 :
Apply relevant concepts and theories in managing marketing activities.
PLO 2 :
Analyze issues and problems to provide solutions in conducting marketing activities.
PLO 3 :
Perform marketing practical work skills in managing marketing activities.
PLO 4 :
Develop good relationships and interactions with people in working communities.
PLO 5 :
Practice effective communication skills to establish good rapport in managing marketing activities.
PLO 6 :
Practice relevant digital skills in the field of marketing.
PLO 7 :
Analyze numerical and graphical data with relevant tools.
PLO 8 :
Adopt leadership skills to manage diverse team and being responsible within organization.
PLO 9 :
Develop personal skills for self-improvement and career development.
PLO 10:
Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills in marketing activities.
PLO 11:
Display professionalism, positive attitudes and values with society and stakeholders in managing marketing activities.
The knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the program will enable them to participate in the job market as:
- Assistant Manager
- Customer Service Assistant
- Public Relation Assistant
- Assistant Administrative Officer
- Marketing Executives
- Sales Advisor/Promotion Executives
- Public Relations Officer
- Marketing Researcher
- Marketing Coordinator
- Media Planner
- Brand Ambassador
- Social Media Executives
- Digital Marketing Executives
- Digital Content Creator /Influencer
- Business Copywriter
- Entrepreneur
- Digital Content Creator/Influencer
- Business Copywriter
For more information regarding the admission requirements for the Malaysian Polytechnic Program, please refer portal Ambilan Pelajar Mypolycc at